Spring Forward

4 weeks, 4 focuses, 4 you!

Each week has its focus. Freely choose prompts that align with your energy for each week. There’s no right or wrong flow; allow yourself to naturally navigate this month’s campaign.

Mantra “My energy is sacred”.

Definition: to intentionally release the hindering surrounding energy, causing you to clearly see the truth of your sacrednes; renewing your soul self & welcoming in the new, pure energy that aligns with you.

Vocabulary: declutter, inventory, assessment, space, fresh, equinox, spiritual cleanse, intentional

WEEK ONE: Assessing the Mess

Music is spiritual —> Tag us on your story with a screenshot of your favorite song(s) to clean to. We’ll create a playlist of the collective’s selection for you to begin your decluttering for this week.

Deadweight —> Identify a mental or physical blockage that you hope to release this week. Allow yourself to be free of any thoughts or tasks that have been weighing you down, & rid yourself of this false burden. Affirm: I am competent. I am capable. I am no longer carrying this dead weight.

Detoxing the home —> Our body is the home. Use this week to assess the mess you allow into your body. Detox + fast from toxic eating patterns.

Taking inventory, goodwill—> Energy can be found within everything, whether it be good or bad. We all can be hoarders sometimes & find it hard to let go of items holding sentimental value, even if it’s something as simple as a heartfelt letter from old friends, to that bear you got at the fair that stuck with you through rough times. Take a look at all aspects of your life (relationships/connections, possessions, finances, etc.) Check inventory of what needs to be decluttered — what inventory is no longer serving? What inventory is taking up too much space? What inventory holds too much energy or takes too much of your energy? By decluttering you are making space for newness to come in… you never know how much room your next blessing will need!

WEEK TWO: Utilizing the Free Space

Boundaries —> Create boundaries for your sacred space (self) that will prevent you from reverting to old habits & old clutter. Adopt new habits that will be sustainable.

Channeling negativity —> Allow yourself to acknowledge your negative feelings. Instead of remaining stagnant in them, think of creative ways to channel that energy (ex: writing poetry, painting, movement of the body).

Time management —> Evaluate how you use your time throughout the day. How much of it is used for personal will? How much for a higher will? Create a balance between the two, honoring both your personality & higher self. Be compassionate and intentional with how you manage your days. Cut out time for rest, prayer/meditation, & eating, etc.

Sacred Spaces —> Create a distinguished space from other spaces in your home. Direct this space intentionally toward your individual practice. The imperfections of normal life are reduced in this space. Nothing but centering, connecting, & offering takes place here.

WEEK THREE: Intentional Maintenance

Building stewardship —> Pay close attention to your days, & take note of the important things that stand out to you. By building stewardship in this way, you will see everything that was given to you that can be utilized in your cleared energy space!

Keep present —> Focus intentionally on your present feelings. Oftentimes, we ignore how we feel in the present moment & wait days to acknowledge them or spend time journaling about past emotions allowing them to resurface. This week don’t let any emotions linger into the next day. Write them down (journal prompt: how am I feeling presently at this moment?), text yourself, or record voice memos for yourself to express.

I AM —> Create your own affirmations. Let these be the mantras for this campaign & moving forward! Tag us in a post on your story.

WEEK FOUR: Romanticism

Embracing silence —> Silence yourself & the outside world; we consider this a “talking fast”. During this silence, you’ll be able to discern the spell of illusion. Pay attention to the illusions you recognize, & create a perspective on how to shift this illusion most beneficially. Intentionally engage only in higher conversations, with the understanding that the high energy exchanged in conversation can be useful to your space (self).

Mirror talk —> Look at your reflection... see yourself as the external reflection of all of the inward work you’ve been dedicated to this month. Reward yourself with affirmations or the high-five mirror technique (literally, giving yourself a high-five in the mirror!) to show gratitude to yourself. We are so proud of you, as you should be, too.

Housewarming —> You’ve made room for the new, & even welcomed in the renewal of yourself. This causes for a housewarming party! What is your soul now calling for? (Examples: hanging out with friends who are a true reflection of you, buying new plants for your home, etc.)


Soil Searching


Self-Love + Sensuality