Written by Indiya Tyshai
Master of Your Moments
Have you ever voiced your desire to start anew, to take a risk and bet on yourself? Were you met with a response along the lines of “You won’t be able to have that, if you don’t do this first!”? Yeah, said every nonbeliever to ever exist.
Some might be familiar with the pyramid diagram of our required needs as a developing human with consciousness. When referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, it was never confirmed that it was even a pyramid, let alone that one stage needed to be met before you could get to the other. All of this to say, you don’t have to “start from the bottom” or “get it out of the mud” to reach your ‘Optimus Prime’ self. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows us how “Self-Actualization” is the highest tier of meeting your basic needs. Mind you this is all in ‘theory’, because there is a point that goes beyond Self Actualization, which is Transcendence.
The question that arises now is, “Does one need to be actualized before they can transcend?”
Reaching “Self-Actualization” is similar to driving your car into uncharted territories where you’re left with no choice but to fully trust your judgement and be the creator of your own journey. There’s a level of confidence you reach where you don’t need anyone to give their opinion or insight as to which direction you should travel in next. It is said that Self Actualization allows individuals to align their goals and values with their actions, leading to a sense of purpose and fulfilment. These days, the most frequently asked question I receive is “How do I live a life of free-spirited creativity?”
Let me take you on a road trip through the Hierarchy and show you what it’s like to be the master of your moments as an actualized wanderer. Allow this to be your push to start.
Actualization as a Self-Concept
Some miles down the road, we run into the question “Who am I?” It lingers in the air, even when you let the windows down in hopes that the answers fly by somehow. It is dire to the journey that you believe you are exactly who you think you are when actualizing your self concept. Your reality is exactly how you think it is, and that is your power. An actualized person is characterized as someone who has no problem finding humor in a given situation, finds excitement and fulfilment in the present moment and they understand their needs to gain a sense of fulfilment. A coming of age woman like me, whos’ barely into her mid 20’s would be speculated as “boring” for the ways that presence brings me joy.
What I’ve found is that my hobbies secure me into my foundation as a wanderer. All the books, the pens and journals, the singing and dancing, studying the stars above, the flora below, it’s all essential to my personal expedition. It allows me to feel safe with myself, to have a sound mind. A free spirited person like me needs to be nourished by the expedition itself rather than the destination. The “voyage” encapsulates my basic psychological needs. If I’m preparing my car to travel, I’d ensure that it was equipped to survive the trek. Per my basics, I would pack food, water, blankets, extra clothes, ensure myself good sleep and but of course, a good book with marvelous plot development. With my body as the vehicle, and this life the tour, I can ensure a safe and secure trip with just the unwavering belief that I am going to make it far with exactly what I Have. I Have enough to thrive and survive on this spontaneous road trip. My self concept is the key to the vehicle that is expected to take me far and wide.
I ask Self, “Who are you?” and Self replied
“I am ready. I am your GPS.”
All of the nitty gritty adjectives that I would proclaim myself to be are just fuel I need to get the vehicle in motion but if I am not ready, how far will I really go? This is why it is important to have strong beliefs about yourself, specifically those positive ones. The talk you give yourself as you prepare to depart will be the conversations you continue to have alone, with the lack thereof a passenger. Your self esteem matters. Now granted ‘esteem’ is a bit way up the pyramid but to my advantage, I can start anywhere as long as I start. The pyramid itself is just a suggestion, a narrow alley of ways to view one's needs. What grounds me into my Self is the thrill and excitement, the bravery of being me. The exhilaration that comes from knowing that I’m doing something new. The faith that stems from trusting myself to achieve anything. It’s all a part of the journey to actualization, because who am I, actually, if not ready? I have a long drive ahead, and nothing but time and space to reconfigure over and over until I am ME, again.
Attentiveness to the Vehicle
The excursion to Self Actualization can be long and sometimes lonely. Somewhere along the way my eyes grow dry, and I find myself losing sight of the vision, the destination. What, at the time, was anticipated to be a quick road trip was now a tour through the psyche where we reached the next tier of the Hierarchy… Love and Belonging.
I had already felt like I belonged when I consciously decided that I would take this adventure just 1 on 1 with me and my intuition, but my subconscious is now telling me that I need a companion. This is an opportune time to switch gears. I know that I'm never alone as long as I am actualized with myself. Having that high esteem will continue to be the fuel my vehicle thrives on in order to prevail on the trip, to keep persisting in mastering my moments, my reality.
There’s nothing wrong with companionship, even when doing life alone. Nothing compares to a quick phone call to a loved one, just to check-in and hear someone else’s voice. Bonus points if it’s someone who also has grit and tenacity in them. It’s like a friendly race, or maybe just a cruise without comparison, riding down the long winding road with compassion for the differences in your desired destinations. It encourages you to check-in with yourself a little more too. Adjusting your mirrors every now and again, making sure none of your neon lights are indicating that you’re nearing an emergency or a breakdown of sorts.
Sometimes we need that reminder to slow down, after pushing the gas for miles on miles. Exhaustion might settle in and that’s when that plus one comes in handy, sure we can go at it alone but what’s one more, even if just for a few minutes. Those miniscule moments make up a grander image once you reach the peak of your mountain, after hanging out in the valleys for a while.
Hardship to Reach Actualization
A predestined confidence is built when overcoming hardship on the way to actualization. As stated previously, you don’t have to get it out the mud to get it, whatever IT is to you. Rather than climbing someone else’s ladder of success, create and climb your own. One of the hardest parts of actualizing yourself is assuring Self that you are safe, your structure is secure and your needs are fulfilled, especially after experiencing events that could alter one’s brain chemistry. It puts you in a constant state of fight, flight or freeze and clouds your judgement which makes it rather difficult to hear, let alone trust, your own intuitive guidance.
It’s a part of the process when discovering your resilience to outside forces, when surrendering to the unknown. Amidst the actualization you have to realize what your resources truly are, all the while, recognizing that you are the most important one. What motivates you when you encounter hardship? When setbacks arise, you’re camping out in your car until dawn breaks… What do you do to maintain it? In theory, Self Actualized people are motivated by health, growth, wholeness, integration and humanitarianism.
Insightfully, when hardship arises one would lean on community, so maybe hanging out at an old diner for a few hours and talking to the waitress or even the motorcyclist who also refuses to bike under the stars.
Transcendence Beyond the Vehicle
Imagine, you’ve conquered the quest to actualization, back to Self and you realize that you were the vehicle the whole time. You were the driving force that got you there. All of those nonbelievers are just that. The tourists who were just stopping by, were the company you needed along the way. You were never alone, you were never scared, or lacking anything. This is transcendence beyond the vehicle. You begin to understand that this accomplishment came from the unmanifest. It only started as a thought, a passing thought bestowed upon you. On hand, you have a bag full of experience, though there was no road map.
Upon arrival, you pass the train station, you hear the planes roaring engines above the clouds and feel their gusts of wind brush over the town. There’s this moment of Actualization when you truly recognize the vastness you existed in on this endeavour. Sure, you travelled solo, and made a way out of no way but look around you!
There’s so much more out there, you thought you had seen and been through it all, but there are broader horizons in transcendence. So many other methods, and modes of transporting yourself from Point A to Point B. In this moment, we realize that in theory, the pyramid in fact isn’t a pyramid. Nor did you have to stay in one place forever to feel fulfilled.
Gentle Reminder:
You never needed someone else’s directions in order to be YOU. Your Optimus Prime is ever evolving, every time you embark on a quest to explore. Whether it be you exploring your mind, body, environment, or ancient metaphysical wisdom. There are parts of you still waiting to be unearthed in the myriad of uncertainties that are surrounding. On the road trip to transcending beyond actualization, you embodied the freedom and creativity you once sought in me. You exist as an actualized person, everywhere all at once. You are always in your prime living in free spirited creativity, for as long as you choose to be a wanderer. Look at the world you created on this road trip! It was beautiful well before but look at all you now have to explore!
I hope to see you on Route 66 one day, I could use a friend for my next trip.
Indiya Tyshai