Mental Mission

4 weeks, 4 focuses, 4 you

to help build discipline, a relationship with self, and consistency that can be integrated into any task you see fit

  • week one (1st-7th): affirmations

  • week two (8th-14th): mental manifestations

  • week three (15th-21st): procrastination

  • week four (22nd-28th): action and accountability

  • *29th-31st: self reflection*

Week One: Affirmations

[Day 1]

What is your purpose for participating in the MM challenge?

[Day 2]

Rewrite these affirmations (feel free to reword them to be more personal to you):

* I am unique on purpose. My authenticity when embraced and expressed fully is the greatest gift to humanity.

* I honor the power within me and know I hold the answer to my destiny. I release any hindering emotions and beliefs and claim my power.

* I acknowledge and accept all of who I am. I allow myself to feel all that I feel. I am comfortable with who I am.

* I am guided by my inner wisdom.

[Day 3]

Use a color to describe how you feel today. Create using or wear something in its opposite.

(Red: Green, Blue: Yellow, Orange: Blue)

[Day 4]

Set a one-word intention for today. What do you want to feel or how would you like your day to go today?

[Day 5]

Unconditional self-love is the realest form of love. Write a list: what do you love about yourself? *BUT you can’t include anything based on the external: success, accomplishments, what you can do for ppl/how you make ppl feel, etc.*

[Day 6]

Rewire your negative self-talk. For every negative thought, flip it with a positive affirmation countering the initial thought (example: if you're feeling insecure about your body today, flip that negative thought with a positive body affirmation). Set up the affirmation you used most throughout your day as a daily reminder on your phone!

[Day 7]

Write this affirmation on a sticky note and put it on your mirror and repeat to yourself in the mirror: every cell in my body is embedded with all the knowledge and wisdom needed to transform and heal me on the deepest level.

Week Two: Mental Manifestations

[Day 8]

What is your goal for this week? Write it out as if it is already accomplished.

[Day 9 and 10]

Create a manifestation board (You will need a board or poster, sticky notes, and whatever else you’d like to use to add some creativity and personalize your board!) One side should say “Manifestations” and the other “Congratulations!”. Write your goals and manifestations on the sticky notes and add them to your “Manifestations” side. As you accomplish them, move them over to the other side. This is a great way to help you physically see progress, even if you’re moving simple tasks/goals over!

[Day 11]

Our current circumstances are a manifestation of our thoughts and actions! Looking at your life right now, what are some positive things that you manifested into your reality? How can you express gratitude for these manifestations you’ve already attracted?

[Day 12]

Create a vision board by making a Pinterest board or photo collage of images that reflect your vision, goals, and desires for the next 6 months.

[Day 13]

Newness will not enter your life until you make room for it. What are some old things (mindsets, relationships, limiting beliefs, old habits, physical clutter, etc.) that you need to let go of to make room for an abundance of blessings?

[Day 14]

If fear, worries, and self-doubt didn’t exist, how would your life look? Who would your friends be? What type of relationship would you be in? What career or path would you pursue? What would your usual day and routine look like? Envision every area of your life like success is guaranteed. Get specific OR focus on exactly what feeling you want to feel on the daily.

Week Three: Procrastination

[Day 15]

What songs make you want to get up and get things done? Add all these songs to a new playlist!

[Day 16-17]

Write a list of things that have constantly been put off. Come up with a plan of action (how you’ll approach completing these tasks or put them in order of importance to help you start completing them).

[Day 18]

Some of us procrastinate, not because we’re lazy, but because we don’t know where to start. What is your reason for procrastination and where is it rooted? (Is it rooted in fear or genuine disinterest in the tasks? Is it because you need rest?)

[Day 19]

Make 2 lists, to-do NOW and to-do LATER. (Your top priorities go Now, so you can move into what’s to come Later, without the weight of lingering responsibilities)

[Day 20]

What qualities in yourself do you believe are holding you back? Your life is a reflection of your thoughts and the actions you’ve made up until this point. What are some things you could change or adjust that could help you reach the intended life outcome you want?

[Day 21]

Many of us let our emotions control our productivity. We’ll let one thing ruin our entire day, big or small. Write this procrastination affirmation: “My emotions fluctuate but my vision doesn’t.” as a reminder to not do based on how you feel in one moment, do based on what you know you’re meant to fulfill outside of your emotions.

Week Four: Action and Accountability

[Day 22]

What are the things you’ve gained/learned from situations that have caused you/others damage?

[Day 23]

Attempt 3 difficult yoga poses. Write their names and their meanings. In what ways were these poses challenging for you mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually?

[Day 24]

Healthy boundaries are necessary. What boundaries should you set in place to create balance in your friendships, relationships, & with yourself?

[Day 25]

Today, we want you to spend at least 15 minutes outside in direct sunlight! Take a brief walk around your neighborhood. Go outside and paint, sketch, or journal/free write. Enjoy a picnic with a few friends or family members. This could be in your backyard or at your local park! It doesn’t matter what activity you’d like to do, but get up and get outside for 15 minutes today!

[Day 26]

What grudges are you holding? Why have you not been able to let those things go and forgive? Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself for past mistakes or to someone you haven’t been able to forgive yet (you don’t have to share it with them; you’re not apologizing for their sake but for yourself). Rid your mind and heart to be able to move forward fully & make room for newness.

[Day 27]

Tonight, we eat like royals. Our food will be home-cooked with love and intention ONLY. Fill your wine glass with fresh ice water. Turn on that playlist that sets you in a calming, relaxed mood. Let’s cook! A testimony from Sarai, “I feel better because I know what I’ve made. I feel better because I was disciplined enough to complete the task. I feel loved because I took that time for myself.”


Self-Love + Sensuality